Wednesday 11 July 2012

Trip cancelled.

It is with an incredibly heavy heart that I am writing my last post for my cycling trip of the eastern provinces. They say bad things come in threes and it seems that I am not immuned.

To start off, I would like my friends and family to recognize that I am well enough to write on my blog and that things could be worse, so please do not worry but I am currently in St. John's and will be flying home tomorrow to stay for the next two months. Unfortunately there is no exciting nor heroic story to go along with my reason for leaving it is as simple as this:

Yesterday I was enjoying a gorgeous ride along the coast from Boyd's Cove on my way to just past Musgrave Harbour, there was a wonderful wind behind me and the beautiful sun shining down on me I felt like I was enjoying the best life there could be. The road however had many twists and turns and I was enraptured too much in the moment that I was irresponsible and did not keep a mental note of which way the strong wind will be coming from. As I was gaining momentum down a hill a strong gust of wind blew at me from my left side causing my front wheel to wobble. Unfortunately I was unable to regain control and crashed face first into the pavement. Two cars pulled over and the people helped me up and unloaded my bike with me. Since neither had room for my bicycle one of the gentlemen hid it behind some bushes while the other marked the location with one of my bungee chords so that I could find it again. I was taken to a nearby clinic in Victoria Cove and the doctor there told me I would need to go to the hospital in Gander.

(Side note: I had been staying in Boyd's Cove with one the most lovely couple I have ever met. Bill and Michelle took me in for two nights and even took me up to Twillingate so that I could see the beautiful island. It was a wonderful time and I am so glad I met them. Michelle met me at the clinic in Victoria Cove and stayed with me right up until I got on the bus for St. John's. I am so grateful for her support. I left all my bags with her and she and Bill were going to get my bike later in the day. Unfortunately, when Bill and Tony -another new friend - went to find my bike it was gone. There were fresh ATV tracks right by where it should have been, so we suspect someone was riding around, found it and decided to take it back with them. Michelle is going to put a lost ad out for my bike but at this point in time I am assuming I have lost my Sonic forever.)

In Gander I received 6 stitches on my chin, the gash on my right temple was glued together and I was told that I had broken my jaw and the only oral surgeon who can fix it is in St. John's. Thank goodness I was out of the hospital in time to catch the bus from Gander to St. John's and arrived last night around 9:30 pm. I was picked up in St. John's by Brian, a friend of my god-sister's, and was taken to his friend Ian's house so that I would have a place to stay last night and tonight. Both Brian and Ian have also been more than helpful and so supportive I am so deeply grateful towards them as well.

Ian dropped me off at St. Clare's Hospital this morning where I waited to speak with the oral surgeon. He took some x-rays as well and I was informed that my jaw was in fact broken in two separate locations and that if I were to have surgery done today I would then have 6 weeks of followup in which I would have to see him again. The doctor suggested that I choose to have my operation where I will be willing to stick around for the follow-ups or be willing to travel back and forth to. Needless to say, I decided Toronto would be the best location for that. The doctor said that I should wait no longer than Saturday to have the surgery done, hence me flying out tomorrow morning. I will then go immediately to Mt. Sinai's ER and hopefully be done surgery by tomorrow evening.

For those who are curious the sum of my injuries are as follows:

bruise and scuffed left knee
bruised right thigh
bruised and scuffed arms
gash on right temple
gashed chin
chipped front tooth (that's right, I currently look like a hillbilly)
Broken jaw in two locations

Although I have only been able to enjoy Newfoundland for approximately 21 days it has been a fabulous trip and I am still looking forward to returning. I have made wonderful new friends and wonderful memories and, despite the accident, would not change this experience for the world. I know I've said this before but I must say it again, I am so deeply grateful to Bill and Michelle, Ian, and Brian for helping me out so much. I am forever indebted to them and only hope that I may become as selfless and generous as they are.

Thank you all for following me on my journey. I apologize that it has been cut short but perhaps I will change the title of this blog to Dina's Travel Adventures and write every solo journey I decide to never know :)

Sunday 8 July 2012

Just about to leave the TCH

Oh my goodness!!! I am TWO days ahead of schedule!!! :) I made it to Deer Lake safe and sound and was able to start riding eastward by 3/3:30 local time. I thought being out of shape by not doing anything for a week would mean I would only be able to get about 45 km in, but low and behold it turned out I was able to get about 70-80 km (I any case it was further than I thought I would get). When I headed out from the airport I thought "well, at least I'm heading west now so if there is a wind I'll be riding with a tailwind" HA! Of course that wouldn't be the case, I ended up having a headwind the entire time. Ugh! Whoever told me west to east is better clearly doesn't have my string of luck with wind :p it was still a great ride though because it was flatter than I've seen in Newfoundland.

Yesterday was even better riding wise! Although I still had a headwind it wasn't the entire time and the lay of the land remained mostly flat (by the way, when I say flat I just mean there aren't the usual hills I've been seeing in this province. What I used to think were hills are now just blips). It poured down rain and I got soaked but it was actually a good thing because this was the first time since I can remember that I was bored and the rain was a good distraction! The scenery was very non-descript, I couldn't take it at one point that I got off my bike so I could walk while listening to my iPod, just to break up the monotony of it all. And this was during a flat section!! BUT what made the day fantastic was that somehow I ended up cycling over 130 km! I made it to Bishop's Falls in a day and a half from Deer Lake and I'm so excited about it!!! :D I was so pleased I even treated myself to a campsite. I stayed last night at the Brookdale Country Inn RV and Campgrounds and for $20 I got a site with use of a pool, laundry, showers and flush toilets :) it's nothing too fancy but quite nice and definitely worth the money. An added bonus is that it's close enough to the highway that I didn't have to bike far to get to it! Awesome!

And now I'm just at the visitor centre a kilometre from my exit to Lewisporte, and so far it has been fabulous because I've been cycling with a ....wait for it.... A TAILWIND!!! I know, I can't believe it either, but now that I'm dealing with hills again it's been ever so helpful :) and as an added bonus it has turned into a lovely day instead of the foretold rain. Cross my fingers it stays like this.

So that has been the journey so far since I restarted my adventure. Let's hope I get to see an iceberg while I'm on my way to Gambo!

Friday 6 July 2012

On the road again

So here I am at Pearson Airport waiting in the Premium Lounge (what up!) and ready to restart my journey in Newfoundland. My flight leaves at 9:30 am EDT and arrives in Deer Lake around 2 pm ADT (I think) and then I head east towards Port Blandford. I expect I'll be able to start riding by 3 pm which gives me about 4 hours of riding time, hopefully it's nice out and there will be a wind behind me so that I can cover a good distance. It's a beautiful morning here in Toronto and I hear it's quite sunny in Deer Lake as well so I'm hoping that stays true and keeps up for the rest of my cycling. Is it so wrong that I really don't want to cycle in the rain? Lol. I'll do it if I have to, but I'm still going to pray and hope I won't have to :)

I'm expecting to take a week to get to Port Blandford, because it's a bit of a longer route since I found a coastal way for some of the distance. I'll be taking the Trans-Canada Highway until the exit for Lewisporte and then I will be riding along highways 340, 330, and 320 ending in Gambo at which point I'll take the bus to Port Blandford because there is absolutely no way I am cycling through Terra Nova Park again...although I would get to go down that grandmother of a hill this time instead of up it, and that's somewhat tempting :) but there is also a time constraint as I have to get to a wedding in Bonavista for the 14th of July.

The next few posts will most likely be from my phone and will also most likely be short as I'm sure all I'll really have to say is: "I biked and biked all day today, it was fabulous!" and "I'm stil alive." ;) so anyone reading this will have to wait a week until something interesting pops up on this blog again, hahaha. :p Now I'm off to watch the airplanes while I wait to board because I'm a kid at heart and still think planes are fascinating and incredibly cool!! (hmmmm....maybe this is why people I meet think I'm so much younger than I am, hahaha, love it!) :-D

Saturday 30 June 2012

Picture Time

As Mr. Lee from Sci-FiveProductions has requested, here are some photos along the way of my trip. This will be my last post for a bit because I have unfortunately had to return home for a week. A very close family friend died of cancer on Thursday and so I took the first flight from Deer Lake home to attend the funeral. I would like to mention how wonderful the employees at Deer Lake Airport and WestJet are, as they helped me get home on such short notice. My bike is safely stored until my return and I was able to get away earlier than I originally thought possible. I am extremely grateful for all their help.

Although Grace was not related by blood she was in every way a part of our family, extremely loved and will be missed immensely. I feel very fortunate that I was able to see her the day before I left on my journey and I know that she was following me and will continue to follow me along the way when I return to my travels on Friday. The rest of my cycle I dedicate to Grace, who has always been a constant rock of support throughout my entire life and I am so far beyond fortunate to have been able to have had such a loving, caring, and wonderful person a part of my life.

Good bye Toronto!
Hello Newfoundland!
St. John's really is as colourful as they say :)
I made it to the ends of the country! :p
The newest Cape Spear Lighthouse
The original Cape Spear Lighthouse
View from Signal Hill
My official certificate that I'm an official Newfie :D
Where I stopped to camp after my first day of cycling
First off road campsite!
View during second day of cycling, just before stopping for the night
Almost the second off road campsite (thank goodness I was saved from this one!)
Made it to Terra Nova!!!
I took this picture just in case that was going to be the only moose I got to see on this trip :)
The starfish I held at the Visitor Centre in Terra Nova National Park
View on the Goowiddy Path in Terra Nova
Made it to the first lookout point on the Outport Trail in Terra Nova
Bear track along the Outport Trail....
I'm guessing this was that bear's meal...
Newman Sounds Campground in Terra Nova. Yes, that's right, I hung up my laundry to dry! I'm amazing ;)
Possibly the best sign ever. Let it be known, the moose always wins!
The Tickle full of fog in Gros Morne National Park
Berry Hill Pond, Gros Morne National Park
BEAVER!!!! (In Berry Hill Pond)
Bakers Brook Falls, Gros Morne National Park
Lobster Cove Head Lighthouse, Gros Morne National Park
At random places within Gros Morne Park there are these lovely deck chairs. I thought it was pretty great :)
Norris Point, Gros Morne National Park
Neat wood formation along the James Callaghan Trail in Gros Morne 
View along the James Callaghan Trail

First rest stop along the James Callaghan Trail

Me in front of Gros Morne Mountain on the James Callaghan Trail. Believe  it or not, but I'm not actually trying to pose for this picture. The wind was so strong I was catching my hat from flying away at the same time as trying to stop my shirt from getting blown upwards.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Gros Morne Park

Yes, I am still alive :) I don't have reception at my campsite here in Gros Morne Park so I've been unable to contact people in any way but I'm doing wonderfully so please do not worry :)

I made it to Gros Morne on Saturday without any problems. The ride in was gorgeous once I hit the park entrance, there was even a section where I got a beautiful look at the East Arm fjord and the Tickle which was full of fog. Just stunning! The Tickle, by the way, is the small opening connecting the two fjords ( I thought that was pretty funny, hee hee). The ride in wasn't so bad in terms of hills - I think nothing will ever be able to compare to Terra Nova - however, the headwinds coming up this way were the strongest I have had to deal with yet. Good Lord, it was difficult! Good thing the scenery makes up for it :)

The past few days in Gros Morne have been one of the best experiences I could ask for. The views here are unforgettable and so majestic I am envious of the people who live here and get to experience this natural beauty every day. I'm half tempted to move here myself :) take adventure tourism  in Corner Brook and just make a living that way...ah the possibilities ;) back on track: I've had to bike everywhere because nothing is too close to each other so I'm experiencing the hills on a daily basis, but I guess that's good, it keeps me in shape for when I'm back on the road East again. I'm camping at Berry Hill Campgrounds which is in the middle of the woods which is kind of neat, though it's a bit of a trek to get to off the main road. When I arrived I just biked around the area for a bit after stopping of at the camp so it was a heavenly "no gear" ride :) My first full day I hiked around the three trails in the campground itself which was quite enjoyable. I got to see a beaver and a hare! That was pretty great! It made me laugh to watch the beaver swimming around because every time it went underwater it thwacked its tail and dove, not the most graceful looking thing but I loved it! :) One of the trails was to Bakers Brook Falls and that was just breathtaking! I had such a hard time leaving that spot. Watching the water and listening to the rumble of the falls was so fantastic I felt like I could stay there forever. Along the way I got to see a mother hen...I think a partridge...walking along the trail with her five chicks, it was so adorable! I tried to take a photo but they're all blurry because the little things wouldn't stop moving, hahahaha. After the trails I went to the Lobster Cove Head Lighthouse and walked the trails around there as well and then biked around Rocky Harbour (the closest town to the camp). It was a very enjoyable day. Yesterday I woke up and it was raining but it ended up turning into a decent day. The rain stopped by the time I got to Norris Point but the winds didn't. You know it's rough when you're having to still cycle DOWN an incredibly steep hill...oh good golly, that was a rough ride. The marine station in Norris Point is amazing! I took a tour and got to hold some really neat sea creatures. The tour was very interesting and the guide was very knowledgeable. What was extra neat is that I ran into family friends there! That was completely unexpected and a lovely surprise. So after chatting with them for a bit I waited around to catch the shuttle to Woody Point and once I arrived ended up hanging out with a lovely lady from Toronto, Sherry :) Sherry and I walked up to the Discovery Centre, which is another neat place, very informative and very interesting, and took the hike behind it up the mountain. Holy crow! The top of that trail has to be one of the most beautiful lookout spots on the planet! We got to see Gros Morne Mountain and the fjords on one side and the Tablelands on the other. Another breathtaking view! I anticipate I'll be using that adjective a lot :p And so that leads me to today. On my bike ride back to Norris Point this morning I saw a coyote cross the road and then as I was walking to Gros Morne Adventures for my kayak tour I saw a minke whale in the water! What was even better was that when the group of us were out on the water in our kayaks we got an even closer view of the whale because it swam right by us!!! Amazing!!! :D We also got to see a couple of jellyfish, starfish, Connor fish, and two bald eagles!!! My list of must sees is seriously getting checked off!! It's fantastic!! I really enjoyed the kayak tour, it was a lot of fun! After the tour I took the shuttle again to Woody Point and biked up to the Tablelands where I walked along the trail there. It's incredible these formations! I wish I could have walked right up to the top but you need a guide for that and I didn't have one :( Oh well, I've already decided I have to come back, so I'll make sure to do that next time :)

So that's it, now I'm at the Woody Point library just waiting for the shuttle back to Norris Point and then I'll bike back to camp. Hopefully it won't rain like they are saying it will tomorrow and I can do a couple more hikes but if it does I'll just hang out around Rocky Harbour.

Well, this was an extra long entry, now to do is comment on the comments people have left :) I'm so productive, lol. :p

Friday 22 June 2012

Deer Lake

I've arrived in Deer Lake, only a days ride from Gros Morne Park!! No, I did not cycle at top speed, I decided to take the bus here from Terra Nova because it seemed a bit ridiculous to cycle the same section twice. Unfortunately this forced me to pay for a motel room because by the time the bus arrived in Deer Lake and I finished my grocery shopping it was too late for me to start biking towards the park, and I had no idea if there would be any place to set up camp along the way so the safest bet was to stay in town. I was kind of upset about this but I guess sometimes I have to bite the bullet, on the bright side I get a comfy bed indoors :)

My stay in Terra Nova was wonderful! The hike up to Mount Stamford was beautiful and I got to see a moose run away from me! :) The view at the top of the mountain was fantastic but unfortunately the picture doesn't do it justice. I ended up hiking over 25 kms, such a relaxing experience :)

I left the park early this morning because I wanted to get to where the bus stops with time to spare, so I cycled out around 7:30 which is earlier than I usually start. As I was leaving th park I heard a branch crack and I looked to my right to see what is was and there were TWO black bears chowing down on some trees. I didn't stop to take a picture but it was pretty cool :D So I've seen a moose and two bears now all that's left is an eagle and an iceberg. Three weeks left Newfoundland, you can do it!

The bus ride was uneventful but at least I got to see the road I'll be riding back on. Now off to sleep since I apparently have the worst hill to tackle tomorrow.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Terra Nova

Holy crappers! There are a lot of hills in Newfoundland!! :) Sooooo, because I'm a lazy bum and was totally unprepared for this type of cycling (though I'm not really sure if I ever could have prepared myself for these hills, hahaha) I'm not doing as many kilometers in a day as I'd like, BUT I somehow managed to make it to Newman Sound campgrounds today :D I'll be staying here for the next couple of nights to do some hiking which I'm looking forward to :) I'm telling you though there was the Grandmother of all hills in this park! I started singing "this is the road that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends" I came up with some pretty good lyrics to it too, hehehe. Non-stop uphill battle, I swear it's half the length of the entire park section. In any case, I've been informed that this is one of the worst sections which makes me feel better, though apparently the road between Deer Lake and Gros Morne Park is mighty challenging to say the least. Good thing I'm stubborn :p hahaha.
The past couple of days have been beautiful!! Perfect for cycling, thank goodness. I have to say I'm glad I'm cycling here instead of back home since apparently the humidity is already awful there :) one of the things winning me over here is the lack of humidity. Oops, side the cycling, it's been absolutely fantastic, I'm dead tired by the end of the day but the scenery I've seen has been breathtaking. My first day I traveled along the Conception Bay Highway which was beautiful and then eventually got onto the TCH. For the most part there have been great views among this highway as well but once I got into Terra Nova there were a lot more dull sections. That's ok though, just cycling is great. I can't even begin to explain how free it feels to be cycling, it's wonderful! (Though I've realized I can do without the panniers :)  ) And I'm really surprised, I'm the type of person who feeds off other people's energies and loves being sociable but I'm finding I really enjoy the alone time I get during these rides. Though I do find I'm talking to myself a lot more than usual, hahaha but what can I say? I'm good company, :p lol.
I've had a bit of an incident (not accident...just clarifying) every day so far but nothing to dampen my spirits. Things happen and we deal :) and thank goodness it was nothing dangerous!
Last night I got spoiled beyond belief thanks to Ruby and Len! They were so kind to take me in for the night instead of me camping out by the highway. They introduced me to Newfoundland music - which I find I quite enjoy :) - fed me, let me use their shower and gave me a bed to sleep in! Thanks again Ruby and Len!!!!
Alright, I'm writing all this on my phone so I'm heading off to sleep, I haven't been checking autocorrect so hopefully this remained pg friendly :) Thanks for the comments guys! I wish I knew how to respond to each individually...maybe I can figure it out when I have a real compy :)
Until next time!